When your clients have questions about Social Security you need to have the answers. This program is designed to educate you in order to help them maximize their social security benefits.
As the first Baby Boomers turn 65 in 2010, more than 78 million people will enter retirement in the next 20 years.1 For many of these retirees, Social Security will be an important part of how income is generated during retirement. Now, more than ever, your clients cannot afford to make mistakes with their retirement planning and this program can provide you with the opportunity to establish yourself as a trusted resource.
did you know...?
The first known recipient of Social Security benefits was retired Cleveland motorman Ernest Ackerman, who retired one day after the program began. During his one day of participation in the program, a nickel was withheld from Mr. Ackerman’s pay for SS, and, upon retiring, he received a lump-sum payment of 17 cents (in the early years of the program, single lump-sum payments were used to “pay-back” those who would contribute to the program but would not participate long enough to be vested for monthly benefits). The average lump-sum payment during this period was $58.06.
Source: SSA.gov
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